Devotions to Bless Your Day
Spend just a few minutes each day, gain encouragement and support.
“One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4
Just as we all need daily food, it’s a blessing to spend time daily with God’s Word.
We invite you to join our ministry team for a brief devotion each day based on God’s Word to encourage and support you in your spiritual journey.
Click on any title below to go to the page dedicated to that series.

Journeying with Elijah
A three-week series about Elijah, one of the most important Hebrew prophets.
Teach Us to Pray - The Lord's Prayer
The first disciples were inspired by Jesus’ close relationship with God, and they wanted Jesus to teach them to pray in a way that would enable them to experience God and life as he did.
Holy Week 2024
Have you ever noticed that it’s hard to forget what’s less than useless to remember, like commercial jingles and advertisement taglines? And yet it’s easy to forget what’s crucial to remember.
End of Summer Songs
All of us have songs we like that we associate with summer. In the Bible, the book of Psalms contains the songs and prayers of Israel, 150 of them gathered in a collection. Joyful songs of praise and thanksgiving as well as sad songs of lamentation and distress.
Ephesians - United Church
In Ephesians, Paul wrote, “In him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God.”
Important Choices
We hear from the Bible about some of the choices and decisions that each of us faces, and the impact those choices have on us.
Fear Not
For those of us who are followers of Christ and who trust in God, we are people who believe that faith is more powerful than fear.
Reimagining the Church
The implications of images found in the New Testament, for us as individual disciples and as a congregation.