Membership at Brewster Baptist: Find out what’s involved
If you are thinking about membership at BBC, we conduct a two-hour Membership Seminar that is offered periodically during the year. All levels of faith are welcome.
Membership Seminar
The Membership Seminar is a meeting with discussion (including questions and answers) about what it means to be an American Baptist, about the Christian faith, and what it means to be a member of Brewster Baptist Church.

The Seminar goes through our Membership Handbook (step by step), including a closer look at facts about American Baptists, baptism, responsibilities associated with being a covenant member, Biblical stewardship, and becoming actively involved in the ministry of Brewster Baptist Church.
Attendance in this seminar is not a commitment to join but is the first step in the process of deciding whether to move forward toward membership.
Following this seminar, if you are interested in becoming a member you will be asked to meet individually or in a small group with some of the church leadership to be sure that Brewster Baptist Church is the right fit for you.
We will then have a Baptism Sunday for those who are interested in being baptized and a New Member Sunday to officially welcome you into our congregation.
Interested in finding out more?
We conduct a Membership Seminar 2 to 3 times a year. If you are interested in attending our next session (date to be determined), please complete this Membership Information form.
Information Center
If you are a guest or visitor, we’re glad you are here and would like to meet you!
Stop by our Information Center on Sunday where friendly and knowledgeable people can answer your questions and provide you with information about our church. You will receive a gift bag that includes a few treats and informational material.