Welcome to BBC Family Ministry!
BBC loves kids and their parents, and we are excited to welcome everyone on Sunday mornings and for our many special events.

On Sunday mornings nursery is provided for ages 0-4 in our fun, bright nursery room with two experienced volunteers. All volunteers have background checks and safety training. You can drop your child off before the service starts and pick them up after church is dismissed.
During the 8:30am service children in grades Kindergarten to Fifth Grade are invited to Children’s Worship. They sit with their families in the sanctuary and are dismissed before the sermon to participate in a children’s version of the service with scripture, prayer and a lesson.
During the 10am service Sunday School is held in the Community Hall, with one class for Kindergarten to Second Grade and another class for Third-Fifth Grade. Each class follows a curriculum of Bible stories appropriate for their age. Sunday School runs during the school year and is off in July and August.
We have monthly Family Ministry Events!
- Family Ministry has an Easter Family Fun morning with many kid-friendly activities
- BBC prepares a float and participates in the Brewster in Bloom parade
- Our popular Trunk or Treat in October is attended by many families in the community
- We host a Parents Morning Out in December to give parents time to prepare for Christmas!
Check out our Fall 2024 Events!
Here's a full list of events. Click the button to view/download/print.
We also have potlucks, picnics, and walks throughout the year to help kids and parents get to know one another.
BBC’s Mom 2 Mom group meets during the school year on Thursday mornings. Childcare is provided so moms can spend time together and encourage one another with Bible study, prayer and some laughter comparing parenting stories!
Our Family Ministry Coordinator is Gwyneth Preu, who lives in Brewster with her husband and 3 children. If you have any questions or ideas about ministry at BBC for children and parents, please contact Gwyneth at gpreu@brewsterbaptistchurch.org
BBC has a wonderful playground!
The playground is open to the public and very popular after church on Sundays for the kids!