
Being an instrument of God’s Spirit involves sharing our faith and helping people in need both in our community and around the world, so Brewster Baptist Church has a strong commitment to Missions.

Our Mission Support of The American Baptist Churches of USA (ABCUSA) enables us to join with other Churches to make a greater difference in the world.  In addition, we support (both financially and with hands-on service)  mission work in our local community, region and world as well as respond to mission emergencies and opportunities.

Local Missions

Our Annual Holiday Fair

Every year we hold a very popular Annual Fair. All of the proceeds are distributed to local organizations. Over the last 16 years the Fair has raised over $458,000 – all donated locally. Of course, it got a little harder to do when COVID came along, so we moved it to online.

Caring Cupboard – Administering BBC’s food pantry within the Brewster community

Carpenter’s Helpers – Providing “Handy(wo)man” services at people’s homes on an as-needed basis.

Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod

Coordinating and building affordable housing on Cape Cod.

LOCAL (Lower Cape Lunch) – Providing free hot meals to diners of all incomes every Tuesday at noon at St. Joan of Arc Church in Orleans. BBC helps to staff the LOCAL Tuesday lunches on the second Tuesday of each month. Volunteers welcome.

Faith Family Kitchen (FFK) – BBC, along with other local churches in the lower and mid-Cape area, has committed to share in the serving of hot dinner meals at the Faith Assembly of God Church on Bearses Way in Hyannis.  The FFK is one of the six Ministries of the Cape Cod Council of Churches.  BBC is helping in the serving of meals on the second Friday evening of each month. Additional volunteers are welcome.  Please call Team Leader Dianne Mahoney at 774-212-2215 or call the church office at 508-896-3381.

Overseas Mission

Have you ever wondered what it takes to send a missionary overseas?

It takes prayerful vision, planning and partnering to send the right missionary for the right task to be effective in meeting a country’s spiritual needs. And with your help through World Mission Offering, that’s what International Ministries does year after year all over the world. 100% of the World Mission Offering (WMO) is used to support the work of American Baptist missionaries and their partners around the world. This year we will also be celebrating World Communion Sunday when we take the World Mission Offering.

International Ministries partners and projects depend on your gifts to the World Mission Offering. Your gifts directly support the entire network of International Missions missionaries. Please give prayerfully.