Deepening and enriching our faith through a series of educational opportunities.


bible-coffee-cupWomen’s Bible Study

  • Tuesday 9:30 a.m. or Tuesday 6:30 p.m.
  • BBC Conference Room

They are studying Acts.  All women are welcome, and you may switch from morning to evening or attend both.  Feel free to join in to learn, to enjoy fellowship and to meet new friends.

Men’s Bible Study

Monday Morning

  • Every Monday morning: fellowship at 7 AM, study starts at 7:30 AM
  • We meet in the BBC conference room, with a Zoom video connection also provided

The Monday morning Bible study combines scripture study with time for personal fellowship. We are currently studying Paul's letters starting with 1 Thessalonian (one of his earliest letters) and ending with Romans. As we study the Bible, we delve deeply into the scripture to understand God's word and His will for our lives.

For men who are home-bound with limited transportation options: when we meet Monday mornings, we also include a Zoom connection and have participants in Florida, Virginia, New York and the Greater Boston area.

These are men who are continuing to meet with us after first attending while visiting Cape Cod and BBC.

If you are home-bound, we can connect via internet with you as well.

We start the Zoom session at 7 AM for fellowship and transition to the study starting at 7:30 AM. Let the church office know if you are interested.

We will take time to make sure all of the technology components are working and you feel confident joining us via internet.

Please don't feel that you have to be a bible scholar to join - each of us is trying to better understand God's word, in the company of humble brothers in Christ.

Monday Evening

  • Monday evening 6:30 p.m.
  • BBC Conference Room

The evening group is studying the “lesser Prophets.”  If you prefer later in the day, you are welcome to join our evening group where you will also learn new insights in the Bible and make new friends.

Small Groups

Small Groups at Brewster Baptist Church:

  • Function as a smaller community of the larger church family
  • Meet weekly in people's homes, on line or in public places
  • Care, share, and study scripture together
  • Pray for one another

God doesn't want us to be alone. Being a member of a Small Group at Brewster Baptist Church is a rewarding and healthy way to participate in the life of our church.

Ready to dive in? Find a group or start one of your own.

Click to Find a group
Click to Start a group

New Member Seminar

The New Member Seminar is a three-hour class for people considering covenant membership to Brewster Baptist Church.

It is not a commitment to join, it is more information and the next step in the process toward membership.

You can read all about the seminar on this Membership at BBC page.