Rejoicing in Our Present: Church Softball Team
Brewster Baptist Church is celebrating our 200th Anniversary in 2024! Our theme for this year is Remembering Our Past, Rejoicing in Our Present, Reimagining Our Future.
The Cape Cod Evangelical Softball League began in 1981 by Charles W. Smith II bringing together churches from across the Cape for a fun night of softball on Friday nights from late April through early August. A couple of years after Pastor Doug came to BBC, he asked if anyone at BBC was interested in creating a team to join the league. A few stepped forward, including Joe Linnell and Bill Harwood, but not quite enough to form a whole team – so they joined with the Covenant Community Church in Sandwich to form a team.

A couple of years later, they joined up with a church in Marstons Mills and became affectionately known as the BUMMS (Brewster United with Marstons Mills). This team included members of the Miranda Family, Frank DeStefano, Chuck Hilton and Steve Jones and went on to win the League Championship in 2005.
Joe Linnell shared that
“when we started in the league, it was great to team up with other churches and get know new people. We had a pitcher on our team named Willy, who was about 20 years older than the rest of us, and he made the team so much fun.”
Frank DeStefano shared,
“Our BBC softball team has been playing in the Cape Cod Evangelical Christian Softball League for many years. Throughout that time, we have shared several noteworthy moments that have lifted us up in celebration for a short period of time as well as some less jubilant, more humbling moments where life lessons are learned from sports.

After playing competitive and more aggressive Town League softball in Watertown and Belmont, MA where sliding spikes high into second base was the norm, the transition over to a Christian Softball League could not have come soon enough. Our Christian Softball league is about showing sportsmanship, encouraging one another, even the opposition, and giving God the glory through our words and actions on the field.
Before and after every game both teams publicly display their faith with a brief prayer at home plate. BBC Softball and that prayer time on the field have been such a valuable part of my faith journey, which eventually guided me to a sports ministry with The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and introduced me to many incredible teammates and fans along the way.

Some of us have been blessed to have played with our sons and daughters, our pastors, best friends, and colleagues. After 40 years of playing and coaching, I’ve accepted my athletic decline and feel blessed to be out there coaching or playing. As the years zoom by, growing old on the field during the spring and summer months with my BBC teammates is just fun and spiritually therapeutic.”
Frank DeStefano

BBC’s team has played off and on over the years as we’ve been able and had enough players, and we’re glad to be starting up again this year after taking last year off.
It is also a special time for the fans as they cheer on the team and fellowship with each other. There is always excitement and children playing, making it a great time of joy for all who attend.

We have a bunch of new team members this year, so we hope lots of BBC folks will come to cheer them on! The season starts on Friday, April 26 at 6:00 p.m. at Johnny Kelley Park in Dennis.
- April 26 at Johnny Kelley Park at 6:15 p.m. vs. Cape Cod Church Blue – 180 Old Bass River Rd. S. Dennis
- May 3 at Johnny Kelley Park at 6:15 p.m. vs. Harbor Church Green – 180 Old Bass River Rd. S. Dennis
- May 10 at Johnny Kelley Park at 6:15 p.m. vs. New Testament Church Cedarville – 180 Old Bass River Rd. S. Dennis
- May 17 at Allieta Field at 6:15 vs. Freedom Church – 754 Nathan Ellis Hwy, Falmouth
- May 24 – No Games for Memorial Day Weekend
- May 31 at Sandy Pond Field at 6:15 p.m. vs. Harbor Church Blue – 482 Buck Island Rd. W. Yarmouth
- June 7 – No Game BYE Week
- June 14 at Johnny Kelley Park at 6:15 p.m. vs. Unity Church – 180 Old Bass River Rd. S. Dennis
- June 21 at Elmer Ray Field at 6:15 p.m. vs. New Hope Church – 1138 Long Pond Rd. Plymouth
- June 28 at Peter Homer Field at 6:15 p.m. vs. Harbor Church Red – 44 Old Townhouse Rd. S. Yarmouth
- June 28 at Peter Homer Field at 7:45 p.m. vs. Cape Faith Church – 44 Old Townhouse Rd. S. Yarmouth
- July 5 – No Games for Independence Day Weekend
- July 12 at Johnny Kelley Park at 6:15 p.m. vs. Cape Cod Church Red – 180 Old Bass River Rd. S. Dennis
- July 19, 26 and August 2 – Playoffs TBD