Reimagining the Future: Staying in Touch at BBC
As a part of Reimagining our Future, the staff has been reading and discussing a book called Hybrid Church by James Emery White.
A large portion of this book is about communicating with the congregation and keeping connection with the church – more than just being a part of worship on Sunday mornings.
At Brewster Baptist Church, we have many opportunities for our congregation and our community to come together throughout the week to fulfill our mission to Love, Grow, and Share, and to be an integral part of our surrounding community. We want to take every opportunity to share God’s love with everyone who walks through our doors

In our effort to do this, we want to be regularly sharing information about the following:
- Upcoming worship series, scriptures and reflection questions
- Daily devotions (a 3-5 minute video giving a deeper understanding of the previous Sunday’s sermon topic)
- Small Group opportunities
- Prayer requests
- Opportunities to serve and fellowship together
- Ways to give to God’s mission in and through BBC
- News, highlights, and celebrations
We understand that with such a diverse congregation who use a range of technology, from people who still like to put the weekly announcements on their refrigerator, to people who use their phone or iPad to get all the information they need, that we need to use various modes of communication. We hope this insert will help you get a fuller understanding of all the ways you can connect with BBC throughout the week.
Information Center

Located in our lobby, the Information Center is a place you can go to on Sunday mornings to ask questions of the volunteers about all that is going on at BBC and receive a welcome gift for visitors. This is also where you can find previous weeks’ sermons, devotionals and general BBC information.
Also, located on either side of the lobby are announcement screens that share upcoming events throughout the week. On Sunday mornings, the registration table is available, where we can help you sign up for upcoming events that you want to be a part of.

Connection Card
Attached to the Sunday morning worship bulletin and available on all of our digital platforms.
We ask visitors to fill out our Connection Cards with their contact information and any relevant information or prayer requests, so that we can help you take your next step with BBC for things like small group participation, serving and/or church membership.
Opportunities to Love, Grow, and Share
Near the conclusion of the weekly worship service, a pastor or worship leader announces upcoming events, shares highlights of previous events and reviews ways to get connected.
Weekly Bulletin
The weekly worship bulletin, handed out before worship each week, contains the order for the worship service (including the scripture, music, and sermon), suggested questions for discussion and reflection, and the detachable Connection Card referenced above.
Inside the bulletin are our weekly inserts, sharing the Sunday programming events, prayer requests, and upcoming events. For 2024, we are including a weekly Bicentennial Highlight – an article highlighting a person, ministry, or project related to the theme for our Bicentennial Celebration: Remembering our Past, Rejoicing in our Present, Reimagining our Future.
The Beacon

The Beacon, published monthly, is full of information about all that is going on at BBC. It begins with a Pastor letter and upcoming worship topics and goes on to highlight upcoming events and share celebrations. You can find printed copies in the church lobby, and it is available on all of our digital platforms listed below. If you are unable to get to church and would like a printed copy mailed to you, please contact our church office.
Digital Platforms
The Buzz

The Buzz is an email newsletter sent twice a week – on Fridays and Sundays. The Friday email includes the upcoming sermon preview and Bicentennial Highlight, followed by information and signup links for upcoming events. The Sunday Buzz includes all the worship links, questions and daily devotions for the given week. Occasionally, a midweek Buzz is sent out for special announcements or cancellations.
The Prayer Chain
Church members can send in prayer requests by email ( or with the Connection Card, which are then distributed by email to all Prayer Chain members.
You can sign up to receive the Buzz or Prayer Chain right here, on the sign up page, or call our church office.
The Church Website (here!)

The menu on top of the screen help you to access information about the church, ways to connect, ways to serve, the weekly sermons, daily devotions, the church calendar, and so much more. It also contains links to Give and to BBC Connections, a separate website used for communicating within the groups you are a part of at BBC.
Church App
You can take BBC with you on your phone or tablet. The church app is broken up into three sections: LOVE, GROW, and SHARE. LOVE is where you can find links to the upcoming worship service, including a digital copy of the bulletin and the questions for reflection; upcoming events pages; and a link to the monthly Beacon.
GROW is where you can access the current and past daily devotions, information about small groups and student ministry.
SHARE contains links to information about some of the organizations supported by BBC, global servants we partner with and ways to volunteer at BBC.
You can download the church app by searching Brewster Baptist in the App Store or Google Play.

Social Media

The BBC Facebook page is a good place to find posts about the verse of the day, the daily devotions, the weekly service, events and celebrations.
BBC on Instagram is another place where you can find posts about the verse of the day, the daily devotions and pictures of events at BBC.